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I’ll not promise you the whole path to success

I’ll not promise you the whole path to success!

Many will promise it, few, if any, deliver it.

I originally wrote this for therapists and change workers, but it is the same story for anyone seeking to undertake the journey of an entrepreneur. So have a read and see where your sticking points are.

You see, the path to success is not a simple A to B walk through the park. It’s an epic journey, fraught with pitfalls and obstacles. It one to be taken with purpose and care, step by step.

Let’s break the journey down with an analogy of a physical car journey.

First you need a car. This is your skill set. Your training. The main vehicle that can get you to your destination, or leave you stranded with lots of bills and a heap of scrap.

So, will you get the car from dodgy Dave down the pub, or from a dealership? This is a task in itself. You have the questions. Will it run? Is it safe? The dangers are that it may have had loads of owners, been patched up, stolen and modified to a point it’s no longer reliably functional, or that it never worked in the first place and is just a gimmick. You could even get one straight off of the assembly line, but find it was created by someone with no experience or deeper knowledge, so it could burst into flames any time.

And then, even if you get an amazing car, you realise you can’t drive. You have the theory, the idea, but no one actually taught you how to operate it. So even if you get in and drive, you are likely to crash and hurt someone.

These are the initial issues you face when you choose to start this journey.

The trainings out there on offer are as attractive and shiny as the cars available on the market. But you don’t really know what you are getting. And will you have the support and assistance if anything goes wrong and you get stuck?

You’ve not even set off yet, and there’s a lot to consider. It doesn’t get any easier onward. The road you are on is slippery, the opinions of family, friends, and society with their well-meaning comments like “get a real job” act like ice and oil under your tyres. Traction is hard to get, and unless you can grip that road, you aren’t going anywhere.

Next up is the fuel. Petrol, diesel, gas, electric? Whatever your particular vehicle needs. This is provided in the world of success by your thoughts and actions. Put the wrong fuel in and you will again not move, and potentially cause expensive problems.

How the car sounds and looks is going to have a big impact. If it has massive exhausts, a wild paint job, and your are blasting out bass tunes at full volume then you will upset a lot of people, and attract a small crowd. But if you are presenting a picture of class, respect, and authority you will appeal to different people. This is going to depend on your target audience, and is representative of your appearance, your online presence, and your values.

Next up we have the route. Of course you can just get in and drive. But then you have as much chance getting stranded in a swamp as reaching a beautiful destination. So you need a map or a GPS. This takes the form of branding, strategy, and marketing. Without it you may succeed by chance, but it will be a long and arduous route. With a road map you can know the route ahead, and find the best path for you.

So you know the route, you have the car, and can drive, so what’s next. You have to get in the car and move forward. This can be a difficult step. Inertia prevents the car moving without you pressing the pedal, and this is fuelled by a number of factors. Procrastination, imposter syndrom, fear, doubt, pack of confidence and many other things can lock the pedal and stop it being pressed. This can be overridden by passion, drive, and determination, but it will be like a hill start, and the hill is bloody steep. Dealing with your mindset and clearing these issues is going to level the road and make the start easier. And it’s not just the start. Once you’ve got moving, you need to keep momentum. There will be many hills on your journey, doubts will creep in, fear will rise, confidence will wane. The mindset will need to be constantly monitored and worked on as needed. There will be times you need your foot to the floor on the pedal, and times when you can ease off the gas.

And what if something gets in the way. Your car breaks down, there’s a traffic jam, a detour, or some other issue that details your journey. What then? How will you deal with the general worries of whether there will be clients, whether you will have enough money to keep going?

Or what if you get to your destination and it’s not what you expected? Or you enjoy it for a while but want to move on to an even better one.

As you can see, the road to success is not an easy one. And anyone who says they can show you the easy way is either delusional or a liar. Because there is one other factor here, not the car, the road, the route or anything like that. It’s you, the driver. And even with the best car, the best map, and the fastest road, if you don’t get in the car and drive then then you’ll get nowhere damn fast. Yes, you can get a taxi. Or a bus. But then it’s not your journey. You have no control or influence, and you’ll be carried forward, helping others to succeed but never quite getting there yourself.

So now I’ll make my promise. I will supply you a car that is fully researched, tested, and ready to go. Straight off the assembly line, not a crude copy of old models. New, efficient, and versatile. It will see you through every terrain. It’s not the cheapest by far, but it is the most reliable. This vehicle to carry you forward is Sanomentology.

I’ll teach you to drive, to use the methods, both the theory and practical parts. I’ll even show you how to use the multitude of gadgets and gizmos that this car comes with.

Once you are on the road, I’ll be in the back seat constantly, sitting quietly until you need me. Whenever you need assistance, just ask and I’ll guide you. This won’t be one of the monkey mechanics, but me personally.

I’ll provide you as much gritsalt as you need to gain traction on the oil or ice. The training will build all the traits you need to overcome the pressure from others.

I’ll provide the correct fuel. Your experiences in the training will prime your mind for success, cleaning your thoughts and driving you to take inspired actions to move forward.

I expect you to present yourself in the right way to attract the crowd that suits you. That is something each one of us has to do ourselves. We all attract different crowds. But I will expect you to uphold the values and ethics that my work is built on.

I’ll not provide the map or the GPS. That’s your challenge to sort. I’ll will point you in the right direction, but you need to choose your own specialists for these elements. My map is not yours, and yours is not mine.

But I will he there to help you on the hill starts. To overcome the inertia and keep momentum. And to avoiding d the traffic jams and detours. You will have all the tools you need to constantly use whenever you need to keep going. Whatever support you need, it’s there.

And what’s more, if your destination is not what you expected, or you want to go further, then I’m there to help you onward to new ones or the next one.

This is my promise, and the promise of Sanomentology.

The only factor I will not influence is you. I’ll not manipulate, cajole, or force you to do anything. It has to be you. Your decision, your choice.

And the first choice for you to make is whether you are going to invest in yourself wisely. Are you going to take a cheap shiny offer with no service plan, no ongoing support, or are you going to take a real car with all the extras, and a lifetime of service and support.

Choose wisely, as it will determine whether you fail or succeed.

And in the time honoured tradition of the car salesmen, let’s sweeten the deal. I will give you a two hour window to get a massive 75% off the training package.

Head over to www.martinrothery.com/therapeuticdesign and start on that road to success. I look forward to being part of your journey.


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