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WOrk on your issues from the comfort of your own home.

Work directly with the creator of Sanomentology to resolve your issues online via Zoom. Achieve your goals and solve problems with a method that has already won world awards and helped thousands of people around the world. People who, maybe like you, have been failed by so many methods before.

*In person sessions are also available. These will incure extra charges to cover travel and logistics. Contact me from the Contact page for more information.


Sanomentology Sessions tailored to fit you.

Connecting with your different levels of consciousness to allow you to work through whatever issues you need to resolve. Because it is all in your mind.

With my sessions, you are guided to find the best solutions, rather than being one being suggestedbased on another persons idea of a solution.

After all, it was your own mind that created the issue, it is best placed to resolve it.

My name is Martin Rothery

I myself struggled with physical and emotional pain for years. I was a hypnotherapist and CBT specialist. And of course I tried to incorporate other methods into my workshop.

What I have observed and what has annoyed me over decades of my work, I have defined as the main problems of modern methods. Lack of efficiency. Lack of durability of effects. The traumatic process of what was called healing. So I asked myself a question. Why is there no gentle, quick, effective and lasting results method?

For 38 years of my life, I have dissected every philosophy, religion, method and science I have ever encountered. I tried to find the sources of each of them. And see what has been added to them by subsequent interpretations.

All the while, the big picture was becoming clearer and clearer in my mind. A picture that clearly shows how lost modern therapists are. And the reasons for this situation. Everything looked as if someone or something was almost deliberately blocking humanity from its possibilities. And finally, seeing this, I said enough is enough.


Sanomentology was created as a result of these years of work.

At first, it was "just" a method of treating chronic pain. To this day, you can still hear the abbreviation RPET (Rapid Pain Elimination Therapy) here and there. These were the beginnings of Sanomentology.

People who have been suffering from chronic pain for years have reported a marked drop in pain levels and no return to previous levels of pain even years later. More. Most of them managed to completely eliminate this problem.

Do you know how the therapeutic world reacted to this idea before I had results? “It's unethical! What right do you have to solve a problem for which there is no method?”. I don't know if I had the right. I just did it. There was no method. It's already here. And that was just the beginning.

If this method has produced such remarkable results for pain, why should I stop at solving just one world problem? Gradually, I introduced new topics to this method, the cause of which lies in the human mind. Addictions, business and life mindset, relationships and sex, trauma, anxiety and depression, fears and phobias. In each of these topics, my work brought extraordinary results.

This is how I gradually created Sanomentology.

What makes working with me using Sanomentology unique?

Speed of operation, efficiency and durability of effects. And the gentleness of this method.

They are not just hypnotic scripts telling you to change or giving you a positive mental attitude. Most other programs or methods just scratch at the surface of the issues and problems, resulting in mild and often temporary results.

  • By using Sanomentology, you do not analyze the causes of your problems. You may have been forced to do this analysis for years. And what did it give you? Nothing. Because these reasons are encoded in your unconscious mind, not in your logic.
  • During the session, you get to the source of your problems using your imagination. Imagination stimulated by the words I say. This way I can address any problem you are facing. And stimulate your unconscious mind to find an effective and lasting solution to a problem that, just think about it, your unconscious mind created itself.
  • Unlike many methods of working with the unconscious mind, here we work with the consent of your critical mind. We don't try to get around it. This is why the effects are lasting. When your critical mind wakes up, it has no reason to reactivate the problem.
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This is what makes the effects of Sanomentology astonish experts of other methods. And they usually have good intentions. So they come to me to learn Sanomentology.


Just think about it. The world of therapy has reached a breakthrough with Sanomentology.

You choose whether you take advantage of this breakthrough today. Or will you wait instead of trying. And continue to invest your time and money in other options.

The most common phrase i hear from clients after session is "I wish I'd found you sooner". Well, you've found me now.

I'm not here to force you to do something. I know well that sometimes your own unconscious mind stops you from reaching for an effective solution. You decide whether you will book a session.

I am here when you are ready. The only thing your are delaying is the potential to be free from whatever issue you are facing. And that time is something I cannot give you back.

Will you will reach for what is right in front of you tight now, or will you regret it later when you realise you have wasted that time by not trying Sanomentology.

See recommendations from people who have already been helped by Sanomentology sessions.

Behind each of these reviews there is a person who has been unable to cope with their problem for years. Each of them initially approached Sanomentology without great hopes. Remember, only the stunning results could convince them to recommend this method to others.

What problems can Live Sanomentology Sessions help you with?

OIG - 2024-01-05T195310.366
Chronic Pain Elimination

1 Session - £150

Advanced/Autoimmune pain

5 Sessions - £700

Escape the Limitations

12 Sessions - £1500

Fears and Phobias

3 Sessions - £400

OIG - 2024-01-05T195421.298
Anxiety and Depression

8 Sessions - £900


4 Sessions - £500

Weight Management

5 Sessions - £750

Overcome Addictions

5 Sessions - £1000

PTSD and Trauma

9 Sessions - £1000

OIG - 2024-01-13T230327.290
Love, Sex, Relationships

9 Sessions - £1000

Shame/Imposter Syndrome

9 Sessions - £800

Personal Growth

18 Sessions - £3000

There is nothing more powerful or magical in the universe than your mind.

Not crystals, not wands, not cards, not staffs, nothing!

Your destiny, your fate, your future, it is yours to decide. Only you have that power.

Because the greatest harm done to you was to make you stop seeing it. So you have stopped using your abilities. You forgot about them a long, long time ago.

You just need to remember how to use it. And Sessions with me will open using Sanomentology will help you remember..

So… Are you ready to start? Are you ready to remember?

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  • Make your payment directly into my account.

    Make your payment directly into my account. Please use your Booking ID as the payment reference. Account holder name: MARTIN ROTHERY Account number: 30870250 Sort code: 20-27-28 IBAN: GB13BUKB20272830870250 SWIFTBIC: BUKBGB22

  • Pay with your credit or debit card via Stripe.

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